It Pays to Shop

Lenders make shopping for a new mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage sound easy. It’s not.

Mortgage brokers typically won’t show you wholesale prices or the lender names upfront. Mortgage Grader® provides information about loan programs and wholesale rates from a host of lenders—many are among the nation’s leading financial institutions. There will be a broker mark-up and other closing costs. Based on your needs, we’ll help you select the program best tailored to your needs and establish pre-approval criteria. Your information is kept private and there is only a single access to your credit history as you shop rates from a variety of lenders.

Which financing option is best for you? Your mortgage if often the single biggest investment you will make. Once you’ve made a decision on a mortgage, the terms that once seemed so enticing can change quickly. This can make the new mortgage a lot less appealing and a lot more expensive. Lenders can and do add unnecessary fees. These fees place you at a disadvantage.

How can you know that you’re getting the best available mortgage options for you? How can you know your race or faith isn’t a reason for an unexplained fee? How can you know that you aren’t paying hidden costs that many lenders pass on to customers just like you?

Mortgage Grader® is the answer.

With Mortgage Grader®, you will never have to worry that you didn’t learn about the ideal loan for you and your needs. You will never have to worry that you overpaid or were overcharged. You will never have your application judged by your race or surname. And, you will never have to worry about unwanted intrusions into your credit history that can actually wind up lowering your credit score, making it harder for your loan application to be approved.

In addition, Mortgage Grader® prevents you from being discriminated against on the basis of your race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation. Our loan application process is entirely private and we won’t disclose your personal information to any lender without your approval. This policy puts you on even ground with other individuals and families when applying for your loan.