If you are seeking objective and accurate information about financing a property purchase or refinancing your existing mortgage (including second mortgages and equity lines-of-credit), here’s how you get started. English and Spanish speaking counselors are available.

  1. Call the friendly folks at Mortgage Grader® to set your appointment. Our phone number is (800) 559-0602. Please block out about an hour of your time for this informative mortgage counseling session. We are happy to meet you over the phone or in-person.

  2. Please sign the Advance Fee Agreement prior to the start of our meeting. You may download the form here. Please print it off, sign it and fax it back to us at (949) 389-9303. Or, if you are meeting us in-person, simply bring the agreement with you or we can provide the agreement at our meeting.

  3. You are welcome to pay by check, cash, money order or credit card. You can pay online with Paypal or we can accept your credit card information over the phone.

  4. For further information, please e-mail your request to info@mortgagegrader.com.

  5. For directions to our office, please click here.